The Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching

John Mattone · August 20, 2024

Intelligent Leadership® is a transformational, results-driven leadership growth philosophy and process that ignites, cultivates, and polishes an individual’s heart, mind, and soul in support of creating a truly exceptional leadership and cultural capability in an organization.”- John Mattone

The Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching Journey

The client undergoes an in-depth diagnostic interview and are assessed using our proprietary Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI)® “inner-core” assessment, the California Psychological Inventory (CPI)-260 and the Input-Output Processing Template (IOPT).
The client will then go through a powerful exercise which is the Core Purpose Statement (CPS). To map how the inner core spills into the outer core, the assessments will be complemented by stakeholder interviews and the proprietary Strategic -Tactical Leadership Index-360 (STLI-360)® to gain insight into the client’s “outer-core” effectiveness.

As part of this process and if the client agrees, the ILCI Coach will sometimes “shadow” the client as they go about conducting organizational development meetings, delivering presentations, and interacting with internal and external stakeholders.

The ILCI Coach will debrief the leader’s custom assessment results and offer their observations over multiple insightful sessions; the remaining coaching sessions feature the ILCI Coach partnering with the leader “hip to hip” to help them build and implement their custom leadership and personal development plan focused on leveraging their gifts and strengths and addressing their development needs.

ILCI is “stakeholder” focused, in that executives are guided by their Coach to professionally engage their stakeholders throughout the process to gain powerful insights about their leadership strengths and development gaps. ILCI utilizes the powerful and proprietary online LeaderWatch® Survey process at three-month intervals to obtain feedback from stakeholders to determine if the leader is improving in those areas identified as critical in their leadership development plans.

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  • 6 Lessons

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